The Knight Institute, the Freedom of the Press Foundation, and other civil liberties, government accountability, and journalism organizations sent a letter Thursday to Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin and Ranking Member Lindsey Graham, co-sponsors of the Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act (PRESS Act), expressing the groups’ strong support for the bill and urging for its prompt markup so that it can be considered by the full Senate. 

The PRESS Act is a bipartisan measure that would prevent the federal government from compelling journalists to disclose their sources and newsgathering materials, and ensure their ability to report on matters of public interest. It was passed by the House in a unanimous vote on January 20, 2024. 

In April, Knight Institute Policy Director Nadine Farid Johnson testified before a subcommittee of the House Committee on the Judiciary for a hearing on “Fighting for a Free Press: Protecting Journalists and their Sources,” advocating for the passage of the act. Read her testimony here

Read the coalition letter here