
  • Panel

    Information plurality and integrity in an era of concentrated power

    9:45 am - 11:15 am Paper


    Anti-Monopoly Tools to Structure a Free & Diverse Press

    Lina Khan

    Khan begins with a diagnosis of the precise sources of platform power over discourse. In addition to much-discussed platform policies around...

  • Panel

    New (and old) approaches to shaping the online information environment

    11:30 am - 1:00 pm Paper


    [The] Breakup Speech: Can Antitrust Fix the Relationship between Platforms and Free Speech Values?

    Neil Chilson and Casey Mattox

    Chilson and Mattox argue that if private platform power over the speech environment...

  • Panel

    Public options, public utilities, public spheres

    2:15 pm - 3:45 pm Paper


    Social Media Regulation in the Public Interest: Some Lessons from History

    Paul Matzko and John Samples

    Samples and Matzko take a skeptical view of new proposals to regulate social media, arguing that...

  • Panel

    The First Amendment as object and obstacle

    3:50 pm - 5:15 pm Paper


    Collaboration and Competition in Information and News During Antitrust’s Formative Era

    Daniel Crane

    Crane looks at early 20th century jurisprudence on antitrust and on the First Amendment, showing that in cases...