Freedom of Expression in an Age of Surveillance: Measuring the "Chilling Effect"
The second in a series of events examining the role of the First Amendment in assessing the lawfulness of government surveillance
Columbia University, New York, NY
This panel is the second in a series of events hosted by the Knight First Amendment Institute and Yale Law School's Information Society Project examining the role that the First Amendment should play in assessing the lawfulness of government surveillance. The first panel addressed legal doctrine and the skepticism with which courts view the claim that surveillance “chills” free speech. This second panel will assess the chilling effect.
Does surveillance chill speech and dissent? How so? And can we measure the chilling effect? In the second part of the "Freedom of Expression in an Age of Surveillance" event series, Jon Penney and Elizabeth Stoycheff, two professors who’ve tried to quantify the chilling effect, and Alex Abdo, senior staff attorney at the Knight First Amendment Institute, answer those questions.
Freedom of Expression in an Age of Surveillance: Measuring the “Chilling Effect”
Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Reception to follow
Pulitzer Hall, Brown Institute
Columbia University
Alex Abdo, Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University
Thomas Kadri, Yale Law School Information Society Project
Jon Penney, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University; Citizen Lab, University of Toronto; Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University
Elizabeth Stoycheff, Wayne State University
Hosted by the Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Columbia Journalism School, Information Society Project at Yale Law School, and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University.