Erin Carroll
Erin Carroll’s teaching and research interests focus on legal analysis and communication, rhetoric, the free press, technology, and the intersection of these subjects. She regularly teaches legal practice and an upper-level writing seminar and has also created and taught a seminar entitled Technology & the Free Press. Her scholarship is informed by her work as a journalist before becoming a lawyer. She is particularly interested in how law can help to reinvigorate and reimagine the press such that journalists and journalism can better serve democracy.
Carroll’s articles have appeared or are forthcoming in the UC Davis Law Review, Washington and Lee Law Review, The Georgetown Law Journal, Maryland Law Review, and the Journal of Free Speech Law. In 2023, she was a recipient of Georgetown Law’s Frank F. Flegal Excellence in Teaching Award.
Carroll currently serves as the chair of the Association of American Law Schools’ Section on Communication, Media and Information Law. She also serves as the vice rpesident from the Law Center to the Georgetown University Faculty Senate and as a member of the University’s Gender Equity Committee.
Before entering academia, Carroll was a litigator at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman in California. She is a graduate of Yale University and the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law.
Deep Dive : The Future of Press Freedom: Scholars Series
Press Benefits and the Public Imagination
Rethinking rhetoric about the value of the press
By Erin Carroll