Luca Belli
Luca Belli is the founder and CEO of Sator Labs, a University of California, Berkeley Tech Policy fellow, and a NIST AI visiting fellow. Previously, he was the co-founder and research lead for Twitter's Machine Learning, Ethics, Transparency, and Accountability team where he guided industry leading approaches for responsible machine learning practices and product changes. Before that, he operated as a data science and machine learning engineer at Conversant and WolframAlpha. His research interests lie at the intersection of feedback loops, algorithmic amplification (with a special eye on politics), and algorithmic audits. He holds a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Essays and Scholarship
What’s in an Algorithm? Empowering Users Through Nutrition Labels for Social Media Recommender Systems
What if there were a way to measure and better understand social media platforms' algorithms? With "nutrition labels," there might be.
By Luca Belli & Marlena Wisniak