Wendy Wagner
Wendy Wagner is the Richard Dale Endowed Chair at the University of Texas School of Law. Wagner earned her law degree from Yale Law School and a masters in environmental studies also from Yale, clerked for the Honorable Albert Engle of the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, and served as an honors attorney in the environmental enforcement section of the Department of Justice before joining Case Law School (her first academic appointment) in 1992. Wagner’s research focuses on issues related to the design of bureaucratic processes, environmental regulation, and law and science. She has authored three books and dozens of articles. Outside of her academic duties, Wagner has participated in various organizations, including the American Bar Association, National Academies of Science committees, the Bipartisan Policy Center, the Center for Progressive Reform, and served as a consultant to the Administrative Conference of the U.S.
Deep Dive : Lies and the Law
The Most Troubling Government Lie? The "Presumptive" One
The problem is less the obviously false statement than the obscure “fact” that allows the government to bias or distort critical information
By Wendy Wagner -
Essays and Scholarship
Is the Administrative State Ready for Big Data?
Exploring the accountability challenges in environmental and public health regulation
By Wendy Wagner & Martin Murillo