FOIA Lawsuit
Knight Institute v. DHS
A FOIA lawsuit seeking records on ideological screening at the border
On October 4, 2017, the Knight Institute filed a FOIA lawsuit seeking records relating to the government’s ideological screening of immigrants and visitors.
Shortly after taking office, President Trump issued an order directing federal agencies to develop a program for the “extreme vetting” of immigrants, refugees, and visitors to the United States. The Department of Homeland Security, the Department of State, and other agencies have since developed and implemented policies involving the review of expressive and associational activities — including social media activity — of individuals applying for U.S. visas.
On August 7, 2017, the Knight Institute submitted FOIA requests for records relating to these "extreme vetting" policies and to the government’s claimed authority to exclude or remove non-citizens from the United States based on their beliefs and associations. The Institute filed this lawsuit to enforce those requests.
Agencies Involved: Department of Homeland Security (Customs & Border Protection, Immigration & Customs Enforcement); Department of Justice (Office of Information Policy, Office of Legal Counsel, Office of Public Affairs); Department of State
Status: On April 6, 2022, the Second Circuit reversed the district court's decisions ordering the disclosure of two sets of records and remanded the case for further consideration of one record.
Case Information: Knight First Amendment Inst. at Columbia Univ. v. DHS, No. 1:17-cv-07572-ALC (S.D.N.Y.), 20-3837 (2d Cir.).
Trump's "Extreme Vetting" is Muzzling Activists and Shutting Them Out
By turning away foreign activists, American authorities are masquerading censorship as immigration enforcement
Press Statements
Trump Proposal to Target Non-Citizens for Deportation on the Basis of their Speech Is Unconstitutional, Knight Institute Says
Newly Released ICE Memos Explain Why Recent Proposals to Revoke Student Protesters’ Visas Are Likely Unconstitutional
Court of Appeals Blocks Disclosure of Federal Agency Records Related to Ideological Screening of Immigrants and Visitors
Knight Institute Sues for Documents on Social Media Monitoring and “Extreme Vetting” of Immigrants, Visitors
ICE Acknowledges First Amendment Limits on Its Power to Remove Foreign Nationals
By Alexia Ramirez -
Why is The U.S. Still Probing Foreign Visitors’ Social Media Accounts?
By Anna Diakun & Carrie DeCell -
Silence Surrounds Extreme Vetting of Ideas at the Border
By Carrie DeCell -
Trump's "Extreme Vetting" is Muzzling Activists and Shutting Them Out
By Carrie DeCell
Reading Room
Ideological Screening at the Border
Documents released in our FOIA lawsuit for records on the "extreme vetting" program
Legal Filings
Click to highlight response chains
35th Joint Status Report
34th Joint Status Report
33rd Joint Status Report
32nd Joint Status Report
31st Joint Status Report
30th Joint Status Report
29th Joint Status Report
28th Joint Status Report
27th Joint Status Report
26th Joint Status Report
25th Joint Status Report
24th Joint Status Report
ICE's Letter (clarifying Vaughn Index production deadline)
23rd Joint Status Report
22nd Joint Status Report
21st Joint Status Report
20th Joint Status Report
19th Joint Status Report
18th Joint Status Report
17th Joint Status Report
Government's Letter
16th Joint Status Report
15th Joint Status Report
Government's Letter re: ICE processing schedule
Declaration of Fernando Pineiro
Plaintiff's Letter re: ICE processing schedule
14th Joint Status Report
13th Joint Status Report
12th Joint Status Report
11th Joint Status Report
10th Joint Status Report
9th Joint Status Report
Government's Notice of Appeal
8th Joint Status Report
Opinion (denying government's motion for reconsideration)
7th Joint Status Report
6th Joint Status Report
5th Joint Status Report
4th Joint Status Report
Government's Letter re: DHS search
Government's Reply
Plaintiff's Opposition
Plaintiff's Letter re: ICE, DHS, and Item 1 searches
Government's Letter re: ICE search
DOS, ICE, and USCIS's Motion for Clarification and Partial Reconsideration
Opinion (ruling that ICE and USCIS had improperly invoked FOIA Exemptions 5 and 7(E) in certain records)
Opinion (resolving first cross-motion for summary judgment)
Government's Letter re: DHS search
Plaintiff's Letter re: ICE search
Government's Letter re: DHS search
Government's Letter re: ICE search
Declaration of Alexander Choe (ICE)
Declaration of Eliman Jussara Solorzano (ICE-ERO)
Government's Letter re: DHS search
Plaintiff's Letter re: DHS search
3d Joint Status Report
Order (scheduling oral argument)
Order (rescheduling status conference)
Order (scheduling status conference)
Government's Letter re: DHS searches
Plaintiff's Letter re: DHS searches and oral argument
Plaintiff's Reply re: ICE and USCIS
ICE and USCIS's Opposition/Reply
Supplemental Declaration of Jill Eggleston (USCIS)
Declaration of Elliot Viker (USCIS)
Supplemental Declaration of Toni Fuentes (ICE)
Plaintiff's Reply re: ICE, OLC, and DOS
ICE, OLC, and DOS's Opposition/Reply
Declaration of Eric Stein (DOS)
Supplemental Declaration of Toni Fuentes (ICE)
Plaintiff's Opposition & Cross-Motion re: ICE and USCIS
Notice of Errata
Declaration of Carrie DeCell
FOIA Correspondence and Productions
Memos and Internal Government Emails
TRIG and RAIO Documents
Plaintiff's Opposition & Cross-Motion re: ICE, OLC, and DOS
Declaration of Carrie DeCell
DOS Action Memo
Ineligibilities Based on Terrorism-Related Grounds (from DOS Foreign Affairs Manual)
ICE and USCIS's Motion for Summary Judgment
Declaration of Jill A. Eggleston (USCIS)
Declaration of Toni Fuentes (ICE)
Vaughn Index
FOIA Request (08/07/2017)
ICE's Response Letter (09/26/2018)
Order (re: page limit increase and additional DHS searches)
ICE, OLC, and DOS's Motion for Summary Judgment
Declaration of Toni Fuentes (ICE)
Second Declaration of Paul P. Colborn (OLC)
FOIA Request (8/7/2017)
OLC's Acknowledgement Letter (8/21/2017)
OLC's Response Letter (5/30/2018)
OLC's Response Letter (7/16/2018)
OLC's Response Letter (1/12/2018)
Declaration of Eric F. Stein (DOS)
Vaughn Index
FOIA Request (8/7/2017)
DOS's Response Letter (8/15/2017)
DOS's Response Letter (6/28/2018)
DOS's Response Letter (1/9/2018)
DOS's Response Letter (2/26/2018)
DOS's Response Letter (7/31/2018)
Government's Letter Motion re: page limit increase and additional DHS searches
Order (endorsing briefing schedule)
Government's Letter Motion for Extension of Time
Order (endorsing briefing schedule)
Plaintiff's Letter Requesting Pre-Motion Conference and Proposing Briefing Schedule
Plaintiff's Letter re: Case Status
ICE's Status Report on Processing
Order (requiring further ICE status report on referred documents)
Order (re: DOS's and ICE's processing of referred documents)
Government's Supplemental Letter re: ICE's Processing of Referred Documents
Government's Response Letter re: Clarification of Schedule for DOS's and ICE's Processing of Referred Documents
Plaintiff's Letter re: Clarification of Schedule for DOS's and ICE's Processing of Referred Documents
Declaration of Carrie DeCell
Order (requiring ICE processing by 7/3/2018)
Plaintiff's Response re: ICE's Processing Schedule
Order (requiring Plaintiff's view on ICE's processing schedule)
ICE's Letter re: Responsive Records
Order (requiring OLC processing by 7/16/2018)
OLC Letter re: Processing
Declaration of OLC
Order (requiring ICE and OLC status reports)
2d Joint Status Report
Order (requiring DOS processing by 6/28/2019)
DOS's Supplemental Reponse re: DOS's Processing Schedule
Government's Response Letter re: DOS's Processing Schedule
Order (setting deadline for joint status report)
Plaintiff's Letter re: DOS's Processing Schedule
Plaintiff's Response Letter re: Processing
Declaration of Carrie DeCell
DOS & ICE's Letter Brief re: Processing
DOS's Declaration re: Processing
DOS's Processing Schedule for Other FOIA Cases
ICE's Declaration re: Processing
FOIA Request (8/7/2017)
ICE's Acknowledgement Letter (8/23/2017)
Knight Institute's FOIA Appeal (8/31/2017)
ICE's Response Letter (9/26/2017)
ICE's Final Response (9/28/2017)
ICE's Acknowledgement of Appeal (4/20/2018)
Knight Institute's FOIA Appeal (12/21/2017)
ICE's Response Letter (2/6/2018)
DHS's Status Update (2/13/2018)
ICE Response Letter (3/07/2018)
Endorsed Briefing Schedule (re: ICE)
Joint Letter re: ICE Processing
Endorsed Briefing Schedule (re: DOS)
Joint Status Report
Government's Answer to First Amended Complaint
FOIA Request (8/3/2017)
ICE's Final Response Letter (8/28/2017)
USCIS's Response to Appeal (2/6/2018)
ICE's Acknowledgement Letter (8/23/2017)
First Amended Complaint
Consent to Amended Complaint
FOIA Request (8/7/2017)
ICE's Final Response (9/28/2017)
Knight Institute's FOIA Appeal (12/21/2017)
Knight Institute's Revision FOIA Appeal (1/5/2018)
ICE's Response Letter (2/6/2018)
DHS's Status Update (2/13/2018)
ICE's Response Letter (3/7/2018)
Order (setting schedule for processing and next status report)
Endorsed Stipulation Voluntarily Dismissing ICE
Government's Answer
Government's Letter Requesting Pre-Motion Conference (re: ICE's Motion to Dismiss)
FOIA Request
2d Cir.
Plaintiff's Notice of Supplemental Authority
Exhibit A - Judicial Watch v. DOJ
Plaintiff's Notice of Supplemental Authority
Exhibit A - NRDC v. EPA
Government's Reply
Plaintiff's Response
Government's Opening Brief
Joint Appendix (1 of 2)
Joint Appendix (2 of 2)
Government's Special Appendix