Social Media Regulation
Essays and Scholarship
The Long Online Shadow of the Material Support Law
How the Supreme Court's ruling on a law meant to curb support to foreign terrorist groups has impacted our own domestic political discourse
By Evelyn Douek -
Press Statement
Appeals Court Upholds Federal TikTok Ban
Decision “reads important First Amendment precedents too narrowly,” groups say
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Hearing in Federal TikTok Ban Case
Upholding TikTok ban would do profound damage to our democracy, Institute says
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Upcoming D.C. Circuit Argument in Federal TikTok Ban Case
Ban violates the First Amendment by restricting Americans from accessing foreign media, Institute says
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Challenge to Federal TikTok Ban
Says TikTok should prevail on First Amendment grounds
Press Statement
Knight Institute Urges Supreme Court to Reject “Extreme” Arguments Made by States and Platforms in Cases Involving State Social Media Laws
Says decision could have enormous impact on free speech online
Institute Update
Institute Files Amicus Brief in Murthy v. Missouri
Urges Court to clarify the First Amendment limitations on government efforts to pressure speech intermediaries into suppressing speech
By Jennifer Jones -
Press Statement
Federal Court Dismisses Challenge to Texas TikTok Ban
Knight Institute, researchers say ruling poses a threat to academic freedom and impedes crucial research
Press Statement
In Cases Involving Florida and Texas Social Media Laws, Knight Institute Urges Supreme Court to Reject “Extreme” Arguments Made by States and Platforms
Says Court should invalidate efforts to distort public discourse but leave room for carefully drawn laws relating to privacy, transparency, interoperability
Deep Dive
Jawboning as a Problem of Constitutional Evasion
Or why the "significant encouragement" test is not so bad
By Genevieve Lakier -
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Federal Court Hearing in Montana TikTok Ban Challenge
Says the ban should be struck down on First Amendment grounds
Press Statement
U.S. Supreme Court to Hear First Amendment Challenges to Florida and Texas Social Media Laws
Knight Institute says cases could reshape digital public sphere
Press Statement
Researchers and Knight Institute Challenge Constitutionality of Texas TikTok Ban
Lawsuit says ban compromises academic freedom, impedes vital research
Press Statement
Supreme Court Rules in Two Major Social Media Cases
Knight Institute says decisions are careful but Court leaves some important questions for another day
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Montana TikTok Ban
Says ban likely to be struck down on First Amendment grounds
Optimizing for What? Algorithmic Amplification and Society
A two-day symposium exploring algorithmic amplification and distortion as well as potential interventions
Press Statement
Knight Institute, PEN America, Center for Democracy and Technology, with Other Free Speech Organizations, Send Letter to Congress Opposing Proposed National TikTok Ban
Groups raise alarm over free speech implications of proposed ban
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Proposed TikTok Ban
Says ban of speech platform would raise serious First Amendment concerns
Deep Dive
The First Amendment Protects More Than You Think
Institute's Scott Wilkens talks to the Future Today Institute
Deep Dive
Knight Institute Weighs in on Gonzalez v. Google in RE-COMMITTED Q&A
Knight Institute Senior Counsel Wilkens joins other amici discussing the importance of Gonzalez v. Google for the future of the internet
Institute Update
Knight Institute Symposium on “Algorithmic Amplification” to Feature Leading Scholars and Technologists
Public event to be held on April 28-29, 2023, at Columbia University and online
Deep Dive
How the Supreme Court Could Encourage Platform Transparency
Without chilling free speech
By Ramya Krishnan -
Deep Dive
Twitter v. Taamneh in the Supreme Court: What’s at Stake
A ruling for the plaintiffs could force platforms to take down broad swaths of political speech, Knight Institute says
By Anna Diakun -
Deep Dive
A Digital Sphere that Serves Democracy
At 2022 Beaverbrook Lecture, Jameel Jaffer assesses watershed cases on regulation of social media
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Supreme Court Petition Involving Florida Social Media Law
Says case raises critically important questions about free speech online
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Supreme Court Petition Involving Florida Social Media Law
Says case raises critically important questions about free speech online
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Appeals Court’s Decision to Uphold Texas’s Social Media Law
Says decision is step backward for free speech online
Press Statement
Supreme Court Puts Texas Social Media Law on Hold
Knight Institute welcomes Supreme Court’s order
Deep Dive
Rereading Herbert v. Lando
Why exercising editorial discretion doesn’t exempt platforms from all transparency mandates
By Evelyn Douek & Genevieve Lakier -
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Federal Court’s Decision Keeping Florida’s Social Media Law Blocked
Says decision is a victory for free speech online
Press Statement
NetChoice, CCIA Ask Supreme Court To Reverse Fifth Circuit’s Decision Lifting Stay of Texas Social Media Law
Knight Institute says Court should block the law until legal challenge is resolved
Press Statement
NetChoice, CCIA Expected To Ask Supreme Court To Reverse Fifth Circuit’s Decision Lifting Stay of Texas Social Media Law
Knight Institute says Court should block the law until legal challenge is resolved
Press Statement
Fifth Circuit Lifts Stay on Texas Social Media Law While the Legal Challenge Continues
Knight Institute says the decision will have terrible consequences for speech online
Press Statement
Knight Institute Urges Fifth Circuit to Reject Extreme First Amendment Positions in Challenge to Texas Social Media Law
Says case could have far-reaching implications for free speech rights online
Quick Take
On Panel, Institute Attorney Warns of Legal Obstacles to Public-Interest Research on Internet Platforms
Krishnan points to Knight Institute's “safe harbor” proposal and just-released policy paper
By A. Adam Glenn -
Quick Take
When Social Media Regulation Meets the First Amendment
Knight Institute director, in Decoder podcast appearance, calls on courts to reject all-or-nothing First Amendment claims by states, social media companies
By A. Adam Glenn -
Press Statement
Knight Institute Welcomes Introduction of Bipartisan “Platform Transparency and Accountability Act”
Discussion draft includes protections for journalists and researchers who study social media platforms
Press Statement
The Knight Institute Comments on a Federal Court’s Decision to Block Texas’ New Social Media Law
Says the law has far-reaching implications for free speech online
Quick Take
"Information Disorder" Report Calls for Social Media Transparency
Aspen Institute commission calls on Congress to protect researchers who study social media
By A. Adam Glenn -
Press Statement
Knight Institute Asks Federal Court To Strike Down Florida’s Social Media Law
Urges court to reject arguments that would prevent government from regulating to protect free speech online
Deep Dive
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Facebook?
Start with Congress enabling more research and journalism focused on social media platforms
By Ramya Krishnan & Alex Abdo -
Quick Take
Is the First Amendment Up to the Task in the Digital Age?
Knight Institute Director Jameel Jaffer on the future of free speech amid threats from private actors
By Ashwin Pillai -
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Former President Trump’s Lawsuit against Facebook
Says it’s a stunt and difficult to square with Trump’s actions in office
Essays and Scholarship
Amplification and Its Discontents
Why regulating the reach of online content is hard
By Daphne Keller -
Deep Dive
The Pitfalls of Platform Analogies in Reconsidering the Shape of the First Amendment
Krishnan responds to “After the ‘Great Deplatforming’: Reconsidering the shape of the First Amendment,” by Genevieve Lakier and Nelson Tebbe
Press Statement
Knight Institute Responds to Oversight Board's Decision Upholding Suspension of Trump's Facebook Account
Ruling is “thoughtful and persuasive ”; Facebook should implement board’s recommendations quickly, Knight Institute says
Essays and Scholarship
Platform Accountability Through Digital “Poison Cabinets”
Preserving records of what user content is taken down—and why—could make platforms more accountable and transparent
By John Bowers , Elaine Sedenberg & Jonathan Zittrain -
Press Statement
Genevieve Lakier and evelyn douek to Join Knight Institute as Visiting Research Scholars
Both scholars to address questions relating to public discourse
Deep Dive
Facebook’s ‘Supreme Court’ Faces Its First Major Test
The questions are bigger than whether Trump should have been suspended
By Jameel Jaffer & Katy Glenn Bass -
Press Statement
Facebook Oversight Board Should Delay Ruling on Suspension of Trump, Knight Institute Says
Calls for independent investigation to assess how Facebook’s platform may have contributed to events of January 6th
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Permanent Suspension of President Trump’s Twitter Account
Says the action effectively moots Knight Institute v. Trump but Appeals Court’s decision will continue to shape how public officials use social media
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Suspension of President Trump’s Social Media Accounts
Says platforms’ actions are justifiable
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Trump Administration’s Ban on Transactions with TikTok and WeChat
Says ban raises serious First Amendment concerns
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Executive Orders Aimed at Banning TikTok and WeChat in the United States
Says bans raise serious First Amendment concerns
Essays and Scholarship
Collaboration and Competition in Information and News During Antitrust’s Formative Era
Tracing the history of the interplay between competition, the free flow of information, and democratic values in Supreme Court opinions
By Daniel Crane -
A Cyberbully in the Oval Office
Executive order aimed at regulating social media is a profoundly dangerous attempt to punish Twitter for its speech
By Katie Fallow -
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Twitter's Decision to Flag President's Minneapolis Tweet
Says the First Amendment protects Twitter’s right to respond to the president’s speech
Press Statement
Knight Institute Comments on Executive Order Aimed at Social Media
Says order is an effort to intimidate technology companies from using tools that are indispensable to protecting the integrity of public discourse online
Essays and Scholarship
Social Media Regulation in the Public Interest: Some Lessons from History
Examining past abuses of the ‘public interest’ standard to argue against expanding antitrust authority
By John Samples & Paul Matzko -
Essays and Scholarship
The Limits of Antimonopoly Law as a Solution to the Problems of the Platform Public Sphere
Arguing which antimonopoly tools do and don't matter
By Genevieve Lakier -
Essays and Scholarship
How to Regulate (and Not Regulate) Social Media
Creating incentives for social media companies to be responsible and trustworthy institutions
By Jack M. Balkin -
Essays and Scholarship
[The] Breakup Speech: Can Antitrust Fix the Relationship Between Platforms and Free Speech Values?
Avoiding antitrust when competition isn't the problem
By Neil Chilson & Casey Mattox -
How Should Politicians Use Social Media?
Tips for protecting an individual’s right to participate in digital town halls
By Katie Fallow -
Essays and Scholarship
Digital Information Fidelity and Friction
Crafting a systems-level approach to transparency
By Ellen P. Goodman -
Highlights from The Tech Giants, Monopoly Power, and Public Discourse
Five panelists talk about freedom of speech and big tech
Essays and Scholarship
The Rise of Content Cartels
Urging transparency and accountability in industry-wide content removal decisions
By Evelyn Douek -
Essays and Scholarship
From Private Bads to Public Goods: Adapting Public Utility Regulation for Informational Infrastructure
Dismantling surveillance-based business models
By K. Sabeel Rahman & Zephyr Teachout -
Institute Update
The Tech Giants, Monopoly Power, and Public Discourse: Visualizing the Conversation
Illustrator chronicles big tech symposium
By Lorraine Kenny -
Institute Update
New Essay Series: The Tech Giants, Monopoly Power, and Public Discourse
Addressing the tech giants' control over a wide range of economic and expressive activity
By Katy Glenn Bass -
Press Statement
Leading Legal Scholars, Economists, and Technologists to Headline Fall Symposium
"The Tech Giants, Monopoly Power, and Public Discourse" will examine free speech implications of "breaking up" today's giant online platforms
Institute Update
Knight Institute to Convene Symposium on Tech Giants, Monopoly Power, and Public Discourse
Symposium to explore whether anti-monopoly tools could be used to address platforms' power over public discourse